Should We Care About Credit Where Credit is Deserved?

I wanted to write to the response I received for the last post, “Who is Taking Your Money.”  I want to thank everyone for the comments, and for the number of readers who read the post and subsequently shared the link and the post with others.  I appreciate the support with my goal of education.  Now, to be honest, my reading list is rather long, and I am extremely behind in thumbing through my piles of research journals.  Well, today I picked up a copy of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Strength and Conditioning Journal.  In it was a phenomenal article by Dr. Loren Chiu from the University of Alberta.  I have never had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Chiu, but I have heard nothing but positive comments from those who have.  With that I would like to share this article with all of you.  It is a very interesting piece.



Today I wanted to once again touch on a few great inspirational words from Robin Sharma.  Although some of you will read this and thing that it goes against what I posted last week, I believe these are two very different subjects.  As I mentioned before, it has never been the intent to be a “loud” guy in this profession.  To be the guy telling everyone that I am better than you, or my programs are better than someone else’s goes against my principles.  Now, some of you may be saying that this is a contradiction to my last post, but there the goal was to educate people to do their home work, and make sure that those people who are looking after their health and well being is qualified to do so.


In all reality the best description of many of us in this profession was from my friend Avi.  In my mind he is somebody.   A 22 year old kid who can bench over 500 lbs, holds national level records in both swimming and bench… he is somebody.  And he is a personal trainer doing some great things with his clients, but upon entering the gym one day he goes, “in the grand scheme of things we are the nobodies.  Well actually I’m a nobody and you guys (my co-worker Shawn and I) are just that very little step past nobody.”  I thought about it and laughed.  You know Avi is right.  Who am I in this profession?  I can go to the mall or the grocery store and no one would know the difference of who I was.   I basically work in complete anonymity.  But here is the challenge.  Name the top strength coaches in Calgary, Canada, or even North America.  Sure, in Calgary you will hear Jari Love (Ripped) or Pete Estabrooks , but who else.  In Canada, you may hear Craig Ballentyne (Turbulence Training) and then North America, well, anyone who has been endorsed by Oprah, or the crew from the Biggest Loser… but that is it.  To be honest, the guys I most respect are the men most of you have never even heard of, and they are doing fantastic things day in and day out… in complete anonymity.  The thing is, they receive credit for their work only from those directly around them and those who know them.


The question I have is, “do I need to be recognized?”  Would it be a godsend or burden?  Read the following excerpt from Robin Sharma’s “The Greatness Guide 2”.  It states, “It’s so human to crave applause and recognition and acclaim.  We all want to be appreciated by our peers and revered by the tribe.  But leadership is about a lot more than trying to look good in the eyes of others.  It’s about standing for a Cause.  It is about being BEST IN THE WORLD at what you do.  It’s about leaving people better than you found them.  And it’s about not worrying who gets the credit for a job well done.  PEOPLE WHO ARE OUTSTANDING ALWAYS GET FOUND OUT.”


To some degree, I like a dose of anonymity.  It allows me the freedom to do what I love.  To blog, to work with client uninterrupted, and to train.  I used to be concerned with wanting to be known, but about three years ago, I accepted my role or my rank so to speak.  I am not after fame and fortune but if it comes from being world class than I will not turn it away.   As the above quote states, “PEOPLE WHO ARE OUTSTANDING ALWAYS GET FOUND OUT.”  And that has been the goal, as two posts ago stated; be so good that others cannot ignore you.


Now we know that in a city with all sorts of competition, I need be so good, that I am not ignored, and do garner some level of recognition.  But it is doing it in a respectful way with integrity.  I will admit I have been labelled cocky at more than not time in my life.  But I argue that it is confidence.  And that is the key.  Be so good, and confident that other cannot ignore.  The confidence comes in the belief that the product (in this case my knowledge or programs that I design) are to the best that I can do, with the given knowledge and understanding I have at this time.  You have the complete faith in what you preach and how you present yourself that you are always found out.   I think of this blog.  I thought the only person who would have been reading it is my own mother, but slowly it gains steam, and more people hear about it and begin to read.  And my goal to educate others grows.


And this confidence does not lead only in this profession.  It pertains to any profession, job or duty in which you take pride in what you do; you exude the confidence that gets you noticed.  Be passionate about what you do, have faith in your knowledge of the material you present.  Who knows, someday I may be ready to set out of this anonymity, and accept the credit that may be due.  Maybe I will be mentioned in Oprah magazine (as Ripped was recently),   – If any of you have a six degrees of separation from Oprah a quick mention could be much appreciated- or maybe I become recognized as one of Calgary’s Top 40 under 40 – You can nominate people here hint! – and I would accept the credit with much pride and admiration.  So go out, be outstanding at whatever you do, and maybe credit will be attached, but know that eventually you will be found out.


Once again, yours in health and performance,


Jeff Osadec, MKin, CEP, CSCS



1 thought on “Should We Care About Credit Where Credit is Deserved?

  1. Katie

    Jeff, I understand what you are saying. I have 6 years of univdersity under my belt, I am only 30 credit hours away from a Masters Degree in Education and yet, repeatedly, I am confronted by people who think they can do what I do. Maybe some of them can, but the problem with getting notariety in the field of Education is that anyone who ever sat in a classroom basically believes that he or she knows how to be a teacher. They think that they know what it’s all about. They think that by bearing witness, they are experts. However, just when this attitude toward teachers frustrates me to the point of speaking out, I will get the real recognition – a reminder of what really matters – when a student writes me a note just to say “Thanks. I learned a lot!”, or a former student tells my sister-in-law, “She was my favorite teacher!” That’s real credit, if you ask me!


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